Has classroom training become too expensive?
Know-Wow is the online solution for efficient delivery of training courses to your personnel and, more generally, to all the stakeholders you want to engage, at any level of competence and specialisation.
You can use Know-Wow to organise lessons, information and work-session materials, webinars, self-tutoring and quick updates, without complex organisational constraints.
Multimedia content and digital tools make the learning process easier, generating original experiences, expanding competences and enhancing creativity.
Know-Wow is a multilingual training tool. We have specific experience in content sharing in any language and, through our partnership with Dotwords, we have access to a video tutorial captioning platform offering more than 1,000 language combinations.
All at extremely competitive prices.
So that’s the platform, but what about the content?
Your content is the lifeblood of your Know-Wow solution. But are you sure your organisation has the competences it needs, or even just the time, to make the most of its content? To tell your story as effectively as possible? To put everything in the right place? No need to worry.
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Know-Wow interests me, but how can I persuade my colleagues to use it?
Amapola, the company that created Know-Wow, has specific expertise in communication policies to incentivise use of the new education/training and knowledge-sharing tools.
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Know-Wow interests me, but my company makes little use of images and video. Is this a limit?
Yes, because you’re not taking advantage of a highly effective means of communication. But we can help you here too. The Amapola team and its partner network can provide support to create and organise your multimedia content: photos, videos, presentations, infographics and so on.
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