Click, enter and … power to your knowledge!
Know-Wow is a web environment with all the typical features and functions of a shared platform. It is presented in the form of internet pages, whose content can be accessed after logging in.
Content on the Know-Wow platform is organised in a personal format for each company, according to its specific needs, with segmentable access levels for each type of user.
Depending on the requirements each company decides to address with Know-Wow (internal communication, sales network, training, technical support, repository, company wiki), content is selected and organised compatibly on the basis of highly flexible sets of personalised criteria (purpose, organisational structure, type of product/service, location, etc.).
Each user can download content of interest and use the range of editorial functions to make comments, flag information, communicate with other users, personalise their settings.
You can use Know-Wow to …
Know-Wow is software as a service
Know-Wow is also available in the SaaS delivery format (software as a service): it is licensed on a subscription basis for an agreed contractual period, and hosted centrally, not on the user’s corporate IT infrastructure.
This solution reduces:
- Maintenance by the company
- Impact on the corporate IT infrastructure
- Development and roll-out time
- Financial outlay